Treatment of Pharynx Disease with Inhalation and Nebulizers

Pharynx diseases are an extensive group of various pathological conditions that combine both acute and chronic diseases of the pharynx. By origin, they are usually divided into infectious and non-infectious. Most pharynx diseases re caused by viruses and bacteria that enter the mucous membrane from the outside. The widespread prevalence of this pathology is associated with the structural features of the throat, which is the first line of defense of the body and always takes the brunt of the infection.

The most common pharynx disease is pharyngitis.

Treatment of Pharynx Disease with Inhalation and Nebulizers

What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is an infection of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and lymph nodes. As a rule, pharyngitis occurs against the background of acute inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, pharyngitis is caused by viral-bacterial flora or fungal infection. Other reasons are injuries and allergic reactions. With prolonged inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, the disease can flow into a chronic form. This can be facilitated by frequent colds, gastrointestinal tract pathology, smoking, drinking alcohol, exposure to chemicals, and living in unfavorable environmental conditions. Other infectious diseases, decreased immunity, hypothermia, stress, increased physical activity can contribute to the exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis.

The main symptom of pharyngitis is a pain when swallowing. Also, the ailment can be accompanied by dryness, burning, soreness, general weakness, and headaches. Pharyngitis is dangerous because the infection from the pharyngeal area can move to the middle ear and provoke deterioration and even loss of hearing, or go down to the larynx and cause laryngitis, tracheitis.

Nebulizers in the treatment of pharyngitis

Inhalation for pharyngitis is considered an important stage in complex therapy. It is a local therapy method in which drugs are administered by inhalation using a nebulizer. Inhalation makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

It is important to choose a nebulizer with a specific particle size of the drug, which is optimal for the treatment of a specific dis-ease. The fact is that different nebulizers have different particle sizes. But this does not mean that the smaller the particles, the more effective treatment. It all depends on the specific disease (diagnosis) of the patient. So, for more than a decade doctors use the following approximate gradation of the conditional distribution of the size of aerosol particles in the respiratory tract, depending on their size:

  • 5-10 microns – drug deposition in the larynx, oropharynx and trachea;
  • 2-5 microns – drug deposition in the lower respiratory tract;
  • 0.5-2 microns – deposition in the alveoli;
  • less than 0.5 microns – do not deposit in the lungs at all.

See the picture to better understand how the inhaled particles deposit in the human respiratory tract:

Deposition of Inhaled Particles in the Human Respiratory TractAs you see from the picture, for the treatment of pharyngitis, it is necessary to choose a nebulizer with a particle size of 5-10 microns so that the drug settles directly on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. See the best nebulizers for the treatment of pharynx disease:

In many models, the particle size can be switched for targeted therapy of a particular area of the respiratory system.

If the patient inhales nebulized medications, then it becomes possible to completely suppress the infection and cure pharyngitis. With the help of a nebulizer, it is possible to cure a disease by choosing the correct composition. Another thing is that pharyngitis develops against the background of a decrease in immune protection and is capable of causing disturbances in other organs, that is, without systemic exposure, the risk of a chronic form of the disease remains. Timely inhalation therapy can eliminate the acute phase of pharyngitis, but it is possible to speak of a complete victory over the pathology only when carrying out complex treatment.

The best positive results from the use of inhalations are achieved in the case of the viral nature of pharyngitis, with the physical or chemical nature of pharyngeal irritation, as well as with an inflammatory reaction of the allergic type. This procedure is less effective for bacterial and fungal infections. In this case, an integrated approach to treatment is required.

The use of inhalation is shown to eliminate such symptoms of pharyngitis as dry cough, pain syndrome, difficulty in swallowing, and swelling of the pharynx.

Depending on the inhalation composition, the procedure is prescribed for children and adults. With the correct selection of ingredients, allergic reactions are not terrible, which is especially important if the patient has an individual reaction to many antibiotics and other medications. In any case, inhalations using a nebulizer should be carried out after consulting a doctor and identifying the causes of pharyngitis.

Advantages of nebulizers over steam inhalers

If we compare the aerosol type of inhalation with steam exposure, then we can note the following advantages of nebulizers over steam inhalers in the treatment of pharynx diseases:

  • Directional exposure of the jet with the possibility of optimal and uniform distribution of the active substance in the lesion focus;
  • Possibility of using solutions from medications (including antibiotics and antiviral drugs), which is impossible in steam inhalers;
  • Various combinations of drugs can be made;
  • Lack of heating, which eliminates the likelihood of burns to the mucous membrane;
  • Microscopic dispersion of the active substance ensures its easy penetration into the affected tissues;
  • Almost complete absence of systemic impact;
  • No need to control the breathing pattern during the procedure;
  • Possibility of carrying out the procedure with small children, incl. during sleep;
  • The miniature size of the device makes it possible to use it on the road and travel;
  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Modern nebulizers allow you to adjust the duration and intensity of exposure.